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Benefits Thousand Leaves Binahong

 on Wednesday 13 July 2016  

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Binahong leaf is a plant that comes from Korea and has long been known in the country. This leaf has been used as a medicinal plant for mild illness to severe disease.
There are two variations of the leaf binahong. There binahong leaves dark green and some red leaves binahong. Both of these plants grow creep.
In Indonesia alone, the plant binahong unclear origins, whether brought by traders of Chinese or Koreans. But clearly, when it has a lot of people who started planting binahong as an ornamental or medicinal plants.

Leaves binahong known to be very effective to help cure various diseases. This is because the substances contained in it, such as antioxidants, arkobat acid, total phenols, and protein.

1. Drug Luka.
Leaves binahong multiple sheets.

How to make:
Binahong leaves are washed, knead until soft and slimy.

How to use:
Stick to the wound, then wait a minute, then the wound will dry up.

2. Drug hemorrhoid.
Binahong leaves as many as 16 pieces, 3 cups of water.

How to make:
Binahong leaves washed and boiled down to 2 cups.

How to use:
Drink 1 a day.

3. Cough.
Leaves binahong 10 sheets.

How to make:
Binahong leaves washed and boiled until the remaining 1 cup.

How to use:
Drink 1 a day.

4. Low blood medication.
Leaves binahong 8 pieces, 2 cups of water.

How to make:
Binahong leaves washed and boiled down to 1 cup.

How to use:
Drink 1 a day.

5. Drug dysentery.
Binahong leaves 10 pieces, 2 cups of water.

How to make:
Binahong leaves washed and boiled down to 1 cup.

How to use:
Drink 1 a day.

6. Drug rashes, eczema skin.
Binahong leaves 10-15 pieces. 3 cups of water.

How to make:
Binahon leaves washed and boiled down to 2 cups.

How to use:
Drink 1 a day.

7. Acne Medication.
Leaves binahong 8 pieces, 2 cups water.

How to make:
Binahong leaves washed and boiled until boiling up to 1 cup.

How to use:
Drink 1 a day.

8. To launch period.
Binahong leaves 3 pieces, 2 cups of water.

How to make:
Binahong leaves washed and boiled until boiling up to 1 cup.

How to use:
Drink 1 a day.

9. Medicine Diabetes.
Binahong leaves 11 sheets, 3 cups of water.

How to make:
Binahong leaves washed and boiled down to 2 cups.

How to use:
Drink 1 a day.

10. Kidney Inflammation Drugs.
Leaves binahong 7 pieces, 2 cups water.

How to make:
Binahong leaves washed and boiled down to 1 cup.

How to use:
Drink 1 a day.

Nevertheless, consumption is also still pick the leaves binahong side effects. Some side effects that will arise is irregular heartbeat, dizziness, anxiety, insomnia and headaches.
Therefore, do not consume binahong with other stimulants such as caffeine because it can increase possible side effects. Binahong leaf also shall not digunaan conjunction with prescription drugs. In addition, pregnant and lactating women are also not allowed to consume these leaves.

translation of the source https://healthtonature.blogspot.co.id/2016/07/seribu-manfaat-daun-binahong.html 

Benefits Thousand Leaves Binahong 4.5 5 bagitipssehatalami Wednesday 13 July 2016                                                                              sumber gambar google.com Binahong leaf is a plant that c...

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