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benefits of Cardamom

 on Tuesday 26 July 2016  

Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) is an herb that comes from India and is often used in Indian dishes. In different parts of the world also, cardamom has been recognized as a spice in cooking. That seems not widely known is that the properties of cardamom for health. Cardamom seeds are often used as a remedy for digestive problems.

The content of Cardamom

     The fruit contains essential oils mainly containing cineol, terpineol, and borneol. Sineol levels in the fruit of approximately 12%. In addition, many cardamom pods contain saponins, flavonoids, polyphenolic compounds, manganese, starch, sugar, fat, protein, and silicate.
     Seeds contain 3-7% volatile oil consisting of terpineol, terpinil acetate, cineol, borneol alpha and beta camphor. In addition, the seeds also contain fatty oil, protein, calcium oxalate, and acid grit. By distilling essential oils obtained from the seeds called Oleum cardamomi used as a stimulant and flavor concentrates.

Cardamom for Health Benefits

Cough medicine: a) Used ± 6 grams of Amomum cardamomum, washed and boiled with 1 cup of water for 15 minutes. Decoction drink as well .; b) washed cardamom seeds, chew-chew. The liquid is swallowed.

2. Cough in children: 15 grains of cardamom, chili Java 2, 10 slices lempuyang, 5 cm cinnamon washed. Two red onion, peeled, washed, shredded. Brewed with ½ liter of water, close the place. Taken every 2 hours until healed.

3. Flatulence: 5 cardamom seeds were washed, five slices of ginger washed before being sliced. Boil a glass of water until the water a half. After a cold drink once a day.

4. a: 5 cardamom seeds, slice kencur 3cm, washed, crushed. Brewed with a glass of water After the cold filtered and drinking water.

5. Sore throat: 10 cardamom pods, turmeric 5 cm piece of washed, crushed, brewed with a glass of water. After chilling filtered, the water was half drunk in the morning, half in the evening. Repeated over several days.

6. Bad breath: 8 cardamom pods, 1 cup of gotu kola leaves are washed and brewed with ½ cup water, cover. Once cool, filtered and drunk early in the morning when the stomach is empty.

7. Stomach pains due to cold: 4 cardamom pods washed, boiled with a glass of water until the water a half. Strain and drink warm.

translation of the source https://healthtonature.blogspot.co.id/2016/07/manfaat-kapulaga.html      

benefits of Cardamom 4.5 5 bagitipssehatalami Tuesday 26 July 2016 Cardamom ( Elettaria cardamomum) is an herb that comes from India and is often used in Indian dishes. In different parts of the world also, ...

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