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Benefits of Vitamin K

 on Friday, 16 September 2016  

Vitamin K is also known as coagulation. These vitamins include vitamins are fat soluble. Similar to vitamin E, the main function of vitamin K is to help the blood clotting process to stop bleeding.The daily dose of vitamin K is 2 mcg per 1 kg of body weight. Symptoms of vitamin K deficiency is not normal blood clotting. This vitamin deficiency is rare in adults, but it often occurs in newborns. Symptoms of excess vitamin K can occur, such as nausea, vomiting, anemia, diarrhea, and rash.There are three forms of vitamin K, which are:

Vitamin K1 (phytomenadione) contained in green vegetables,
Vitamin K2 (menaquinone) can be synthesized by the normal intestinal flora such as Bacteroides fragilis and some strains of Escherichia coli,
Vitamin K3 (menadione) is a synthetic vitamin K which is rarely given to newborns (neonates) as reported to cause hemolytic anemia.

Here are some of the benefits of Vitamin K for Health:

1. Accelerate Stop the BleedingVitamin K is essential in blood clotting process that will accelerate stop bleeding each time you get hurt.Blood usually have different amounts in the blood clotting factor, a substance that helps form blood clots to stop bleeding from cuts and bruises. You need Vitamin K to help the heart to make the prothrombin (factor II), the most important of blood clotting factors. Several other factors, including factors VII (Proconvertin), factor IX (plasma thromboplastin), and factor X (Stuart-Prower Factor), also made in the liver and is also dependent on vitamin K.Without clotting factors, blood clotting occurs very slowly or not at all, so that even small cuts will cause prolonged bleeding or minor collision will cause a large bruise.2. Prevent OsteoporosisYou need Vitamin K to help bind calcium into the bones and put them in the right place. If you do not have enough Vitamin K, you will not be able to form new bone. In the long term, vitamin K deficiency can lead to osteoporosis, or bone brittle and easily broken.Vitamin K plays a role in bone metabolism processes, which reduce levels of osteocalcin undercarboxylated were positively correlated with risk-prone fractures in people with osteoporosis. Vitamin K related to bone mass density (bone density). It was seen in patients who often suffer injuries such as hip fractures or thighs (showing bone mass is not tight, a lot of the shaft), which turned in their blood levels of vitamin K lower.3. Kill Cancer CellsAccording to the study, the ability of Vitamin K in slow or kill tumor cells as powerful as drugs. Some research suggests that combining vitamin K with a standard anticancer drugs may help the medicine work better.4. Prevent AgingVitamin K is a natural antioxidant that can enhance the facial skin. Women are advised to eat foods that contain vitamin K in order to avoid premature aging.

Containing Food Sources of Vitamin KVitamin K bias we get through some of the food we consume daily. For example contained in spinach, cabbage, asparagus, avocado, and many more. However, not all foods that have vitamin K easy to get. No need to worry, we do not need the confusion to get the intake of vitamin K. For example, spinach.Spinach often and easily be encountered in traditional markets, modern markets and vegetable vendors around. It's easy not to get spinach? Spinach leaves are often utilized as a material consumption. Spinach contains vitamin K. Vitamin K every 100 grams of spinach is 89 mcg. Wow, a lot is not it? Therefore, the spinach well used to meet the needs of vitamin K.However, any excess will certainly not good is not it? The content of vitamin K in spinach is what we need. But do you know if the spinach also have negative effects if consumed excessively? Spinach was either consumed by gout sufferers. This is because spinach contains 57 grams of purine every 100gramnya. Excessive content of purines make uric acid levels in the body increases.


Benefits of Vitamin K 4.5 5 bagitipssehatalami Friday, 16 September 2016 Vitamin K is also known as coagulation. These vitamins include vitamins are fat soluble. Similar to vitamin E, the main function of vitamin ...

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