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Benefits of Fruits Walnuts Good for Brain

 on Thursday 21 July 2016  

In the walnut is no content that is brain food, nutrition resulting from the walnut is used to stimulate the growth of brain cells, improve memory, improve intelligence, and cope with Alzheimer's disease.

Pistachios have many benefits because therein lies an omega-3 fatty acid content, acid Galik, elagik, 16 kinds of phenol antioxidants, alpha linolenic, and vitamin C. Omega-3 fatty acid content is what is the nutrition for the brain.In addition, 60% of the structure of the human brain awoke from fat. so that the brain needs fatty acids. The first omega 3 as nutrition. besides walnut is also a brain food. on a penilitian in the Journal of alzhimer's disease proves that eating walnuts can counteract panuan on brain function.Pistachios also have a content of melatonin. Melatonin is the hormones that regulate our biological clock. in the presence of melatonin we will often sleepy from certain hours, and finally we can fall asleep. so the walnut is also useful for overcoming insomnia or difficulty sleeping. Very significant in walnuts can also help the rest of the brain which is already weak.Efficacy in walnutIn addition to the brain nutritious walnuts also berpungsi to improve sperm health. eating walnut approximately 2 handfuls every day for 12minggu will improve the shape, motion, and sperm vitalityBenefits of walnuts can also help overcome skin by eating walnuts or walnut. the skin will look smoother before. this is because the walnuts have mineral deposits that can help produce collagenOther properties in the walnut is a dietary intake can lower kolekstrol evil. this is because it contains no saturated fat and high in walnuts enough.

Walnuts also have a high polyphenol content. polyphenols have antioxidant properties that will overcome the adverse effects of free radicals, a case of pollutants. thus walnut can mmelindungi us from biliary disease and maintain cardiovascular health.

translation of the source https://healthtonature.blogspot.co.id/2016/07/manfaat-buah-kenari-baik-untuk-otak.html

Benefits of Fruits Walnuts Good for Brain 4.5 5 bagitipssehatalami Thursday 21 July 2016 In the walnut is no content that is brain food, nutrition resulting from the walnut is used to stimulate the growth of brain cells, impro...

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