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The nutritional content of papaya fruit

 on Thursday 7 July 2016  

                                                                                                                                                                                                image source saransehat.com

Papaya is low in fat and 0 cholesterol, but rich with a variety of nutrients that are dubutuhkan by the body every day. Papaya contains Carbohydrates (9.81g), as well as fiber 1.80 g or 4.5% of the total recommended daily requirement.

Papaya contains some vitamin B complex in good amounts, such as folate, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin and Thiamin. Another important vitamin that can be obtained from the papaya is Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K. Papaya also contains electrolytes with a pretty good amount, namely potassium and several essential minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc,. Essential phytonutrients found in papaya that beta-carotene (276 mg), Beta Crypto-xanthin (761 mg) and Lutein-zeaxanthin (75 mg).

the benefits of papaya fruit:

Prevent hypertension.
Fairly high potassium content in papaya useful for controlling sodium, which in turn has one of the health benefits to help maintain blood pressure and increase mental alertness.nourish the eyes
The content of vitamin A in the papaya fruit will help to improve eyesight. Consuming three or more servings per day of fruit papaya can keep the vision remains normal, as well as lowering the main cause of vision loss in older adults.Helps boost the immune system
This is because the beta-carotene in papaya fruit. Bata carotene is required for the body to function properly, as well as the increase of the immune system.preventing infection
The content of vitamin C in papaya will help to prevent the body from infections, colds and flu.Prevention of heart disease.

This is because papaya is rich in nutrients and minerals As mentioned above, which will prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, which helps to prevent the causes of heart attack or stroke.Helps heal wounds
Meat ripe papaya fruit which can be applied directly to wounds to help accelerate healing.

Although Papaya has a sweet taste, but including papaya fruits are also good for diabetics.Prevent colon cancer.
Papaya fiber has the ability to bind and remove toxins from the colon. Thus, like eating papaya fruit will maintain a healthy colon, thereby preventing colon cancer.Constipation
Because the fiber content in papaya fruit, eating delicious fruit that one is very suitable for use as a natural laxative. If you like to eat papaya, the less likely we will experience difficult bowel movements.Beauty
Papaya is good for maintaining healthy skin, so women will look more beautiful with fresh skin if diligently eating papaya. Papaya is a good source of vitamin A and papain, so that the fruit will help to remove dead skin cells. In addition, papaya low in sodium, so only a little cause water retention. In other words, it will help keep the skin protected from dehydration.

Healthy hair
According to expert hair care, for the benefit of papaya for healthy hair can be obtained by eating papaya fruit regularly. It can also be done with the use of hair care products that contain papaya as the main ingredient.

Rich in nutrients in papaya fruit can help prevent baldness, because it will help improve hair growth and strength.
Papaya is also good for controlling dandruff.
Papaya is rich in minerals, vitamins and enzymes also help remove impurities such as oil and chemicals from the hair with a very safe way.
Papaya leaf extract can be used as a conditioner, to make dull hair becomes shiny and manageable.

translation of the sourcehttp://www.carakhasiatmanfaat.com/artikel/kandungan-nutrisi-serta-manfaat-buah-pepaya-bagi-kesehatan.html 

  • Kaya nutrisi dalam buah pepaya dapat membantu mencegah kebotakan, karena akan membantu meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan kekuatan rambut .
  • Pepaya juga baik untuk mengendalikan ketombe .
  • Pepaya yang kaya mineral, vitamin dan enzim juga membantu menghilangkan kotoran yang berupa minyak dan kimia dari rambut dengan cara yang sangat aman.
  • Ekstrak daun pepaya dapat digunakan sebagai kondisioner,  untuk membuat rambut kusam menjadi berkilau dan mudah diatur.
  • - See more at: http://www.carakhasiatmanfaat.com/artikel/kandungan-nutrisi-serta-manfaat-buah-pepaya-bagi-kesehatan.html#sthash.ZU8rQwwH.dpuf
    Pepaya rendah mengandung lemak dan 0 kolesterol, namun kaya dengan beragam nutrisi yang sangat dubutuhkan oleh tubuh setiap hari. Pepaya mengandung Carbohydrates (9.81g), serta serat 1.80 g atau 4.5% dari total kebutuhan harian disarankan.
    Pepaya mengandung beberapa vitamin b kompleks dalam jumlah yang baik, seperti folat, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin , serta Thiamin. Vitamin penting lain yang bisa diperoleh dari pepaya adalah Vitamin A , Vitamin C , Vitamin E , dan Vitamin K . Pepaya juga mengandung elektrolit dengan jumlah yang cukup baik, yaitu kalium serta beberapa mineral penting seperti kalsium, zat besi, magnesium, pospor, dan zinc,. Fitonutrisi penting yang ditemukan dalam pepaya yaitu betakaroten (276 µg) , Beta Crypto-xanthin (761 µg) dan Lutein-zeaxanthin (75 µg).
    - See more at: http://www.carakhasiatmanfaat.com/artikel/kandungan-nutrisi-serta-manfaat-buah-pepaya-bagi-kesehatan.html#sthash.ZU8rQwwH.dpuf

    The nutritional content of papaya fruit 4.5 5 bagitipssehatalami Thursday 7 July 2016                                                                                                                                             ...

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