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Olive Oil

 on Saturday 2 July 2016  

sumber gambar radarpekalongan.com
Actually, what the content of the olive fruit extract is so undistinguished that much many?

Chemical compounds stored in olive oil, for example triacylglycerol which is a monounsaturated fatty acid with the type of omega 9 (oleic acid). Levels of omega 9 around 55-83 percent of total fatty acids. Because the fat is good for the body because of type of monounsaturated fats, the risk oxidized body less than omega-6 and omega-3.

Here are the properties of olive oil for health and beauty:

1. Caring for skin
The skin is the outer part of the body that have the highest risk of damage due to exposure to bacteria and other elements such as dry skin, dull and wrinkled faster.

To prevent these problems you have to do a skin care routine that a variety of issues affecting the skin so the risk is minimized. The easiest way is applying olive oil before the move and at bedtime.

One objective of using olive oil before the move is to reduce the adverse effects on the skin due to sun exposure. In addition, the skin will porch fresher, firmer, smoother and softer.

2. Overcome Oily
Excess amount of oil on the face can worsen the appearance of a person, therefore it is essential seek healthy solutions to no longer experience the problem.

The main steps that you can try is to use a mask made from a mixture of olive oil and sandalwood powder. If you can do when the face feels tired, let the mask stick to 15 minutes in length. Last wash your face to remove the mask using cold water, pat dry with paper towels or face pat using your palms.

3. Lifting Dirt On Face
If you are an employee who is assigned to always work outdoors, make sure to provide more protection to health, particularly the skin.

Use olive oil after against the sun. First wash your face with warm water or uapkan with water being boiled, the goal that the pores open. After that, apply olive oil on the skin evenly, let sit for 5 minutes. If it had been the face using warm water wash, the last rinse again with cold water to the dirt that has come out did not go anymore because the pores shrink.

4. Caring for HairYou can combine the olive fruit extract with honey, which is believed to beauty experts as the herbal ingredients to treat the hair of the various kinds of damage.

Developing Hair: Prepare an empty bowl, break two eggs and enter it in the bowl, then beat with a spoon. Add one cup of olive oil in the bowl before, let stand for 2 minutes so dull. After this mixture was smeared on the hair root to tip. Let stand 10 minutes after the wash use shampoo.
Lengthening Hair: Mashed beans lemon and pepper and mix the two into two tablespoons of olive oil. Rinse gently on the scalp evenly, let sit 20 minutes in length and then wash using shampoo.
Caring for Hair Damage: Enter the natural materials such as olive oil, rose petals or jasmine extract into the bottle. Cover and let stand at least 24 hours. If so, wet your hair using hot water so that the pores open slightly. Rub olive oil on the scalp, massage some time before shampooing.

Some of the properties of olive oil if it is used internally for health are as follows:

Preventing heart disease and stroke.
Kill cancer cells.
Reduce and recover arthritis.
Maintain bone density so as not getting osteoporosis.
Reduce levels of glucose in the blood.
Detoxifies the molecule that is not balanced with other words as an antidote to free radicals.
Improving the quality of breast milk.
Reducing blockage (thrombosis) also thickening (Arteriosclerosis) blood vessels.
Eradicate lice in the hair.
Reduce the risk of cancer of the uterus, colon, skin and stomach.
Avoid gastric ulcer disease of the digestive system.
Lowering levels of bad cholesterol (LDL).
Reducing the negative effects of the use of drugs that lower blood pressure.
Reduce mortality if regular consumption of olive oil.
Treating hemorrhoids, how:

 Prepare one tablespoon of olive oil (extra virgin), then mix with the powder to taste Seed. Flatten, drink 3 times a day, for one week. Benefits of olive oil to treat hemorrhoids is taken before meals.    

Olive Oil 4.5 5 bagitipssehatalami Saturday 2 July 2016 sumber gambar radarpekalongan.com   Actually, what the content of the olive fruit extract is so undistinguished that much many? Chemic...

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