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Daun Dewa Powerful Overcome Tumor

 on Friday 15 July 2016  

These plants come from China and Myanmar have characteristics significantly. The tree towering upright with a maximum height of 50 cm, the stem is green with a growing number of branch line that was old age. Leaf shape has a serration design also gives us knowledge about the origin of the word "god" is. This word born in Sumatra as see the jagged edge of the leaf shape is similar to the gods dress ornament. The rapid growth of benefits generated by the plant, then the plant is better known by the name of god leaf. Whereas in China itself known by the name of San qi cao.

ffects pharmacological owned plant leaves gods believed to be potent blood circulation, resolve bruises, inflammation and swelling that occurs; stop bleeding, reduce heat, anti-pain, lowers bad cholesterol, remove warts, overcoming kidney disorders, fight bacteria and viruses, neutralize toxins in the body, and even tumor and cancer can be overcome.Some of the active compound derived from extracts of leaves of deities such as flavonoids, monoterpenes, and sesquiterpene lactones, known to play an important role in inhibiting tumor cell growth and development / cancer in the body.
In addition to the antitumor and anticancer properties it has, of course, God leaves other pharmacological properties also contribute substantially in the treatment of cancer, where pain and inflammation caused by the presence of tumors and cancer can be reduced, easing the pain suffered by cancer patients.

To create a natural herb with antitumor and anticancer God leaves, is easy enough. Here are the steps of manufacture.

     Boil about 15-20 grams of God leaves freshly picked with 3 cups of water.
     Wait boil until the water remaining half (1.5 cups).
     Strain the cooking water and let cool.
     Drink the cooking water 2 times a day.

For maximum treatment results, treatment with God leaves this to be done consistently because of the nature of herbal treatment is not as fast as chemical drugs.

The content of substances in Daun Dewa

     oil astiri
     chlorogenic acid
     acid p-kumarat
     acid p-hydroxy benzoate
     alkaloids, triterpenoids
     Vitamin K.

translation of the source https://healthtonature.blogspot.co.id/2016/07/daun-dewa-ampuh-atasi-tumor.html  

Daun Dewa Powerful Overcome Tumor 4.5 5 bagitipssehatalami Friday 15 July 2016 These plants come from China and Myanmar have characteristics significantly. The tree towering upright with a maximum height of 50 cm, the...

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