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Benefits Lemon Face and Diet

 on Monday 4 July 2016  

It's always lime known as one of the fruits that have benefits for health and beauty. Properties of lime is not separated from a variety of existing content in the fruit. Vitamin C is abundant in lime turns out more than other types of citrus. Perhaps many of you just know that lime is only used as a flavor enhancer in food, even though the properties of lime for health

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1. Digestive problems

The content of vitamin C and minerals in lime juice is very good for digestive health. Lime can solve problems with digestion disorders, such as constipation or other digestive problems. In addition, lime can relieve indigestion problems by drinking lemon juice daily routine.

2. Beautify faces

In addition to good digestion, lime is also good for facial beauty. Benefits of lemon juice to face very many of them can cope with oily skin and can get rid of pimples on the face. Not only that, lime can also make the skin become white glow.

3. Coping with ulcer

lime acidic it can cope with an ulcer. Acid in lemon juice is alkaline so that it can balance the stomach acid. To overcome heartburn, you need to consume lemon water regularly every day at least twice a day.

4. Help the diet

Orange juice is also very good to help the diet. Benefits of lemon juice to the diet can help break down fat in the body and in the blood. Fat that accumulates in the drum can be destroyed with lemon. Lime is very well taken by you who are doing a diet. You can make this lemon juice as a beverage companion lunch and dinner.

5. Prevent Cancer

The content of vitamin C and antioxidants are also high in lime juice can prevent cancer in the body. Every day you are at risk for cancer, whether it's skin cancer or other cancers. By eating a lemon, you can eliminate free radicals in the body and prevent cancer.

6. Troubleshooting throat

Other benefits of lime that can cope with throat problems. Lime is very effective to relieve sore throat and solve problems with the mouth, such as canker sores, bad breath, and gum bleeding or swelling. Lime can meet the needs of vitamin C in the body.

Benefits Lemon Face and Diet 4.5 5 bagitipssehatalami Monday 4 July 2016 It's always lime known as one of the fruits that have benefits for health and beauty . Properties of lime is not separated ...

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