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Benefits Leaves Distance

 on Monday 25 July 2016  

This distance leaves of medicinal plants is already well-known since ancient times in many communities. These plants berhasiat for the treatment of various diseases complaints, this plant contains among others: - alkaloids jatroiden
                    - isogadin
                    - cleomiscosin
                    - propasin
                    - clilatrione
                    - jatrofenon
                    - Jatrofolon A-B
                    - fraxetin
                    - Cyclogossine A-B
                    - Compound lipid extract from the leaves

What Sih leaf properties this distance?

1. Treating ringworm problem
Ringworm is a type of skin disease that is quite often experienced by some people. To cope with ringworm, distance leaf oil can be used from now on. How to use include:

     Wash the leaves thoroughly distance.
     Soak leaves in coconut oil within a few hours.
     Heat the oil leaves the distance.
     Apply the oil to the surface of the skin scabious and closed using a cotton cloth.
     Let stand overnight and repeat until completely cured.

2. Overcoming the scars
Scab or scar became one of the skin problems that interfere with performance. So that it is not prolonged, then use the leaf distance from now.
The trick is to puree the distance leaves into pulp and add a little salt. Apply the mixture on the skin to scar or scab soon disappear. This method also applies to scars from sharp objects and burns.

3. Enlarge vital tool
Leaves range has been awarded as an herbal concoction that effectively address the problem of adult male virility. Therefore, the distance leaves believed to enlarge the penis size. To utilization is easy, namely:

     Prepare 10 leaves the distance, a little olive oil and 1 orange juice.
     Pound the leaves and lime distance until evenly distributed.
     Massage the penis with olive oil before applying the herb.
     Use herb leaf distance and massage the genitals until a feeling of warmth.
     Perform routine and feel the results.

  That leaves some of the benefits of distance, this leaves also have side effects in because of the very high content of toksiksitasnya.

translation of the source https://healthtonature.blogspot.co.id/2016/07/manfaat-daun-jarak.html   

Benefits Leaves Distance 4.5 5 bagitipssehatalami Monday 25 July 2016 This distance leaves of medicinal plants is already well-known since ancient times in many communities. These plants berhasiat fo...

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