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Benefits of Vitamin B Complex

 on Thursday, 22 September 2016  

A person's body can not produce vitamin B complex in nature. Therefore, to meet the nutritional intake, you should eat foods that contain vitamin B complex. Before discussing the benefits of vitamin B complex, the following is a list of the food sources of vitamin B complex.List of food sources of vitamin B Complex

vegetableThe first is a vegetable. It is common knowledge if vegetables have plenty of vitamins that are good for maintaining a healthy body. List of vegetables rich in vitamin B complex include asparagus, kale, mustard greens, spinach, eggplant, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, radishes, corn, cucumbers, green beans, broccoli, carrots and celery.

In addition to vegetables, fruits are also a food rich in Vitamin one of which is vitamin B complex. Not only can only be consumed directly, fruits are also very delicious when made juice or as other foodstuffs. Fruits are a source of vitamin B complex are avocados, apples, melons, bananas and blueberries.

Meat and processed animal
Red meat is a source of vitamin B that is most complete for the body. not only that creatine substance content in red meat can help the vitamin B for the processing of carbohydrates into energy, prevent malnutrition and to maintain the mental health system. Preparations other animals that contain vitamin B is a chicken breast, sardines, salmon, milk and eggs.

Vitamin B can also be obtained from nuts. Nuts are good sources of vitamin B are almonds, peanuts and cashews.

The benefits:

keeping DigestionThe usefulness of vitamin B complex next is keeping digestion. Good digestion can certainly prevent the body avoid diseases such as constipation, hemorrhoids and non-current BAB. Vitamin B that are useful to deal with this is vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3 and vitamin B6. In addition, these vitamins can also help the breakdown of fat, carbohydrate, protein and can petrify the production of hydrochloric acid (HCL).

producing EnergyEnergy is used if every human being to do all their activities. To get this case the body needs vitamin B complex. This is because vitamin B1 is used by the body to help convert carbohydrates into glucose. To do this it takes the other B vitamins such as vitamin B2, B3, B5, B6 and B7. So if someone deficiencies he will feel listless, tired and uninspired.

Maintaining the nervous system and the bodyBenefits of vitamin B complex next is able to maintain the nervous system and body to stay healthy. Vitamin B1, B6 and B12 are useful to organize all the nerves to work properly. Vitamin B5 has a role that works well adrenal glands to produce some hormones and nerve regulating substances. While vitamin B9 (folic acid) is very important for pregnant women. For pregnant women folic acid to prevent birth defects, prevent stress and anxiety.

Maintain healthy hair and nailsVitamin B complex is also very important for DNA, RNA and also reproductive cells. B vitamin deficiency in the body can cause fragile nails, hair loss, acne, dry skin and dull.

Benefits of Vitamin B Complex 4.5 5 bagitipssehatalami Thursday, 22 September 2016 A person's body can not produce vitamin B complex in nature. Therefore, to meet the nutritional intake, you should eat foods that contai...

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