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Benefits Candlenut (kemiri)

 on Wednesday 20 July 2016  

Kemiri has the Latin name Aleurites moluccana and included in the tribe Euphorbiaceae. Not many people know that pecan is still a relative with cassava. Perhaps because few people ever see pecan trees. In Indonesia, hazelnut taken and used as a spice in cooking to flavor dishes. However, our ancestors also use hazelnut for other purposes, such as making nutritious hazelnut oil nourish hair.

benefits Pecan

1. Treating Thrush
Not only seeds pecan useful, but the stems and sap, one of them to cope with canker sores in the mouth. All you really need is the sap from the bark of pecan trees. To get to by tearing pecan tree bark with a knife, then wait for the sap out. Take the gum with cotton and add a little coconut milk if any. Apply at the mouth sores (canker infected).
2. Treating Toothache
Besides canker sores, tooth pain can also be treated using pecan tree sap. The trick is also almost the same. Take a pecan tree sap using cotton. Stick it on the sore tooth. Let stand for 10 minutes, then remove and replace with new.
3. Treating Diarrhea
To cure diarrhea, take 20 grams of pecan bark is still fresh, clean and pounded until smooth. Boiled with 600 cc of water until the water is reduced to 300 cc, strain and take the water. Drinking water decoction of the pecan tree bark twice a day, to drink as much as 150 cc.
4. Overcoming Fungal Infections
Fungi can grow anywhere, including on your skin. Fungal infections such as tinea versicolor is harmless, but can cause the sufferer uncomfortable and even embarrassed. How to cope with hazelnut oil smeared on the body that become infected. Perform routine in order to maximize results.

5. Overcoming difficult Sleep (Insomnia)
Hazelnut oil can also help you fight insomnia and sleep more soundly. The content of melatonin contained in it will make you relax and fall asleep faster. It is good for people who have irregular sleep patterns. Quality sleep could be the beginning of your healthy life.
6. Overcome CHAPTER Bloody
Pecan tree bark can also treat BAB (defecation) bleeding. Take 20 grams of pecan bark. Once washed, boiled material with 400 cc of water to be left over 200 cc. Strain the water, then drink while warm.
7. Drug Rub
Hazelnut oil, as well as eucalyptus oil can be used as a liniment to relieve aches and colds. The way it is like using a regular ointment.
8. Drug Fever in Children
Boil 15 grams of root Pulutan and add a few drops of hazelnut Minya. Strain the water, then drink while warm.

Name Foodstuffs: Pecan Other name / Alternative: -
The number of Kemiri studied (Food Weight) = 100 gr
Pecan parts that can be consumed (BDD / Food Edible) = 100%
Total energy content of Kemiri = 636 kcal
Total Protein Content of Kemiri = 19 gr
Total Fat Amount Pecan = 63 gr
Total Carbohydrate Content of Kemiri = 8 g
Total Calcium Pecan = 80 mg
Total Phosphorus Content Pecan = 200 mg
Total Content Iron Pecan = 2 mg
The amount of Vitamin A Pecan = 0 IU
Total Vitamin B1 Pecan = 0.06 mg
The amount of Vitamin C Pecan = 0 mg
Efficacy / Benefits Kemiri: - (Not Available)
Initial Letter Name Foodstuffs: K
Nutritional Information Sources: Various publications Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia as well as other sources.

translation of the source https://healthtonature.blogspot.co.id/2016/07/manfaat-kemiri.html   

Benefits Candlenut (kemiri) 4.5 5 bagitipssehatalami Wednesday 20 July 2016 Kemiri has the Latin name Aleurites moluccana and included in the tribe Euphorbiaceae . Not many people know that pecan is stil...

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